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Mother Easter Members
Notice of Cancellation:
Due to the weather and road conditions, our Semi-Annual Church Conference has been postponed to Saturday, February 1st. The meeting will begin at 9:45 a.m.
*Please note time change*

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The Missionary Society will meet tomorrow,
Saturday, Jan. 4th at 11a.m. Sis. Elizabeth Jones will lead the devotion. Everyone is welcome to attend.
*please note time change*
Sis. Keesha Reynolds

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Missionary Society Regular Meeting
Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 11a.m.
Devotional Leader for this Meeting:
Sister Elizabeth Jones
Please not time change from 10 am to 11 am

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Time Change:
The Missionary Society's regular meeting and  Annual Christmas Social will begin at 11 am instead of 10am this Saturday, Dec. 7th.
The meeting will be brief. All members of Mother Easter are encouraged  to attend.

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This is just a gentle reminder for those who have reserved a slot:
The "Let's Pray, Praise, and Paint" will be held tomorrow, Aug. 3rd at 10 am in the E.H. Hopkins Fellowship. What to expect: smiling faces, fun, and fellowship. Lunch.

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The Missionary Society of Mother Easter Baptist Church is excited to invite you to a Pray, Praise, and Paint Gathering on Saturday, August 3, 2024, starting at 10 a.m. Please see the attachment for more information.
~Sis. Keesha~

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The Missionary Society will prepare sack lunches for its 'Feed the Need' outreach initiative during its monthly meeting at the church on Sat., June 1, at 10 am. Lunch giveaways will be at Life Under the Son at noon and Piggly Wiggly at 3pm. Join us.

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Good afternoon, MEBC,
This is just a friendly reminder: The Missionary Society will meet  tomorrow, Saturday, May 4 at 10am. Sister Elizabeth Jones will present the monthly presentation on "Unity." We hope to see you soon.
Sis. Keesha

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Greetings MEBC,
Mother Easter is preparing to celebrate its 130th Anniversary. The planning committee is soliciting fresh ideas, suggestions, and committee members. Contact Deacon D. Pittman, Deaconess B. Stewart, or Sister Shirley Hampton.

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Upcoming Events:
- Baccalaureate Service: Sun., April 28th, at 11 am; Minister Jerrell Anderson, guest speaker.
-Missionary Meeting: Sat., May 4th,10 am; Sis. E. Jones will present on"Unity."
-Revival: May 20-22, 7 pm; Rev. Dr. W. Morgan, Revivalist

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Baccalaureate Service:Sunday April 28th 11:00am.
Join us as we celebrate the 2024 Graduates, during our morning Worship Service.

Minister Jerrell Anderson, Speaker
Rev. Freddie Castle, Pastor

*RSVP by April 21,2024
Contact: Michelle 229-782-5365

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The Deacon Board of MEBC will be hosting a Pastoral Appreciation Reception in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Castle,  tomorrow, 10/22, immediately following worship service. All MEBC members are invited to attend.

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Pray for our national,state and local leaders.
Continue to pray for the sick and home bound individuals.
Jesus Heal our Land!
2 Chronicles 7:14